Events, Tours & History Walks

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Tour and history walk descriptions

Oberlin Community Calendar

1:30 Music in the Home Tour
Listen and learn how music was used for entertainment, fellowship, and teaching in nineteenth and early twentieth-century homes during this 60-minute guided tour of the historic properties at the Oberlin Heritage Center. Musicians and non-musicians alike will enjoy his opportunity to view musical artifacts up-close and hear sounds of the times.

Date: 9/21/2019
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Category: Tour
Adult Price: $0.00
Member Price: $0.00
College Student Price: $0.00
College Student Member Price: $0.00
Child Price: $0.00
Child Member Price: $0.00
Note About Pricing: Enjoy a FREE offering of the Oberlin Heritage Center’s Music in the Home Tour at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. as part of Smithsonian Magazine’s Annual Museum Day. Present the Museum Day Admission Card available at

Capacity: 15
Openings: 15