Events, Tours & History Walks

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Tour and history walk descriptions

Oberlin Community Calendar

11:00 - Historically Inaccurate Tour

Tour begins at the Oberlin Heritage Center's Monroe House

Are you a myth buster? Can you call someone’s bluff? Come test your skills on this new 75-minute tour of the Heritage Center’s three historic buildings. The tour will include true Oberlin stories, with some historical myths along the way. At the end, we’ll explore what is fact or fiction.

Date: 11/5/2017
Time: 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Category: Tour
Adult Price: $6.00
Member Price: $0.00
College Student Price: $0.00
College Student Member Price: $0.00
Child Price: $0.00
Child Member Price: $0.00
Capacity: 12
Openings: 9