Events, Tours & History Walks

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Detailed calendar of upcoming events.

Tour and history walk descriptions

Oberlin Community Calendar

Sneak Peek - Oberlin Origins Tours
Bring your friends and family on a “teaser” tour of the first floor of the historic Monroe House (1866) to hear about people and decisions that set early Oberlin on a unique path in our nation’s history. Topics include Oberlin's beginnings as a Christian colony, early rules and regulations, women attending college, African American education, and abolition. This 30-minute tour will be offered every half hour.

Date: 5/26/2013
Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Category: Special Event
Adult Price: $3.00
Member Price: $0.00
College Student Price: $0.00
College Student Member Price: $0.00
Child Price: $0.00
Child Member Price: $0.00
Note About Pricing: Tour begins every half hour. No reservation is necessary.

Openings: No Limit